Not-so-Daily Blogs. Oct 6: Recovery/Happy Friday

I’ve rebranded the daily blog, hahahahah! See, I knew it wasn’t going to pan out, slash, I’m being perfectly honest in my titles now. And, AND, Right as I thought I was out of deep water with my insufferable cold-flu, I get hit with something else. 2.5 days in and out of the bathroom to top it off. I won’t get into specifics, but— it wasn’t pretty.

In any case, I’m much better now and my body has pretty well recovered! I’ve still got several posts on deck that are nowhere near completed, and I’ve yet to continue my WWBookClub revisitations. There’s a new book club “book club reborn” that my HSG fam has put together in lieu of there being no continuation of Pottermore’s version, and although I haven’t participated yet, I can see that the questions are excellent for the most part, and are generating some great discussions that we haven’t seen yet. I’m excited to jump into hat as well as the latest #wwbookclubchallege, but I’m also still in a weird limbo place in my brain… but I’ll come around. I always do– as surely as I abandon ideas and projects, I eventually (but surely) come back around to them. STRANGE CYCLICAL LIFE I LIVE.

Anyway, happy Friday! I like weekends. Hubby is actually off today (Saturday) HALLELUJAH! We’re going toy and clothes shopping today with and for our little girls, it’s very exciting!! & Last night, I finally received my Thestral Funko POP 😍 I’ve tweeted funko about making one several times and FINALLY, it’s sitting on my shelf next to the amethyst crystal and I feel so my peace looking at it. It’s weird to describe, but it’s like I obtained another puzzle piece to the problem that is my existential comfort– and I do legitimately feel peace when I look at my bookshelves and collections– especially when something I’ve been waiting and pining for finds a home there. 😊🖤 Behold! :

*le sigh* he so bootiful.

(Actually loving the filtered morning light through my very bloody red living room curtains 😄)


I’m going to go enjoy my Saturday with my beautiful little family. Hope you’re all having great weekends too!

Until next time, happy weekend!


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